Tenants in Queens undoubtedly have many daily challenges. From dealing with a stressful work environment, to paying bills, to making sure they spend quality time with their families, New York City residents have a great deal on their minds. The safety and security of their homes should not have to be something about which they worry.
As this blog reported in a previous post, tenants have the right to live in safe and secure rental properties. Landlords must provide certain security features, such as peepholes and chain door guards, as well as ensure that the premises are free from other dangerous hazards. Unfortunately, however, sometimes landlords do not meet their obligations, whether in terms of maintenance matters or other required landlord obligations.
A tenant who is dealing with a landlord who is not complying with his or her obligations may need legal assistance to ensure that his or her rights are protected. Attorney Seth Rosenfeld and his legal team work tirelessly to ensure that the rights of Queens’ tenants are protected and that they can live in safe and secure premises. Whether a tenant is facing a landlord who will not make much-needed repairs, such as replacing a hot water heater or repairing security features like a chain lock, or one who refuses to tend to safety measures such as removal of dangerous black mold, Mr. Rosenfeld will act quickly in an attempt to help clients regain the sense of security they once had in their homes.
Regardless of the nature of a landlord-tenant dispute, Mr. Rosenfeld aims to resolve such disputes efficiently for the benefit of his clients. Additional information about Mr. Rosenfeld’s services is available at the following website.