Disputes with a tenant are almost inevitable. You may have a misunderstanding about trivial issues like minor repairs to a full-blown fallout over things like non-payment of rent or damage to the property.
Either way, you need to find an efficient and cost-effective way of resolving such disputes. Here is what you need to do when locked in a dispute with your tenant:
Communication is key
A clear-headed conversation aimed at resolving the matter at hand can resolve most disputes. Listen to your tenant’s side of the story before making assumptions and acknowledge their concerns.
When disputing parties can freely express themselves, they will be more likely to find a lasting solution. Dialogue is also necessary when you’re trying to arrive at an informal solution with your tenant since it is a less adversarial method of dealing with conflict.
Maintain a professional tone
Do not get personal with your tenant despite the circumstances of your dispute. It could damage relations with them when all is said and done. Instead, keep your cool, be respectful and maintain professionalism when dealing with the tenant. Avoid raising your voice or using harsh language at any point.
Keep good records
Maintain communication records, photos, repair receipts or other formal and informal agreements you may have made with your tenant regarding the misunderstanding. They might come in handy at some point.
Understand your legal options
When you have hit the wall and are not making any headway in resolving the dispute with your tenant by yourselves, it may be time to escalate the matter by going to court. You should always be prepared for such an eventuality.
Learning more about the court procedures involved and what you need to do to protect your interests will help you resolve the dispute without losing out.